The Grass is Greener in Tech

I saw an article from Business Insider on the struggle many tech organizations have in keeping their top talent. Employees are highly skilled, in demand and not afraid to go where the grass is greener when the opportunity arises. I could not help but think of the stereotypes of tech startups, in particular the resistance to organizational structure (process) in an effort to stay nimble and flexible.
While process may feel like a leash to some, the lack of it in any organization can lead to employee turnover which is what tech organizations are struggling with currently. To be clear, I am not talking about the dreaded exit interview process that many organizations have today. While an exit interview process may provide some insights, they rarely provide authentic, tangible feedback organizations need to figure out the reasons behind the revolving door.
If you would like insight into the real reasons employees leave, take a look at Leigh Branham's research in The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave (2005), which includes the following hidden reasons:
The job or workplace not living up to expectations
The mismatch between the job and person
Too little coaching and feedback
Too few growth and advancement opportunities
Feeling devalued and unrecognized
Stress from overwork and work-life balance
Loss of trust and confidence in senior leaders
Process adjustments in the areas of recruitment, on-boarding, employee development, performance management and leadership development are able to address the seven hidden reasons employees leave their jobs.
If your organization is struggling with retaining your top talent, contact us at Dolce Consulting to learn more!
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